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Fourth Draft6.13 HARASSMENTTHCH takes all forms of harassment very seriously. THCH is committed to combating all forms of harassment including:-
THCH believes in equality, and is committed to ensuring that its residents are able to live without fear of harassment, intimidation or attack. is opposed to all forms of harassment, and will use its powers and resources to take action against any individual involved in an incident, where either the victim or the perpetrator is a resident of THCH's estates Work In Partnership with the CommunityTHCH's strategy will be to work in partnership with the Local Authority, local community groups, voluntary agencies and the police, to develop initiatives to combat all forms of harassment. will adopt practices which will contribute towards the development of harmonious communities in the Borough. Victim Centered ApproachTHCH will take a victim-centred approach in responding to cases of harassment. will be guided by the victim in determining the most appropriate course of action in responding to an incident of harassment. Complaints PolicyTHCH is committed to providing a high quality efficient and effective service to all its residents and applicants for housing but recognises that sometimes people may be dissatisfied with its services or mistakes might be made in service delivery. THCH is keen to obtain feedback from service users to inform reviews of the services it provides and the way in which it provides them. THCH operates clear and well-publicised procedures for receiving and dealing with complaints which will be dealt with within stated timescales. ensures that all staff likely to be involved in handling complaints have had relevant training and are familiar with the complaints procedure to ensure that all complaints are dealt with promptly, courteously, consistently and fairly with due regard to confidentiality. Monitoring and Taking Improvement ActionAll complaints received will be monitored, and details recorded of the date received, the nature of the complaint, the date action was taken and the nature of the action taken. Director of Housing and its Service Delivery Committee regularly review complaints received and consider appropriate action to tackle problems that are persistently raised, reporting their findings to the Board. First Draft6.13 HARASSMENTTHCH takes all forms of harassment very seriously.
This policy is intended to cover all forms of harassment THCH believes in equality, and is committed to ensuring that its residents are able to live without fear of harassment, intimidation or attack. THCH is opposed to all forms of harassment, and will use its powers and resources to take action against any individual involved in an incident, where either the victim or the perpetrator is a resident of the Association. Work In Partnership with the Community THCH's strategy will be to work in partnership with the Local Authority, local community groups, voluntary agencies and the police, to develop initiatives to combat all forms of harassment. THCH will adopt practices which will contribute towards the development of harmonious communities in the Borough. Victim Centered Approach THCH will take a victim-centred approach in responding to cases of harassment. THCH will be guided by the victim in determining the most appropriate course of action in responding to an incident of harassment. Monitoring and Taking Improvement Action All complaints received will be monitored, and details recorded of the date received, the nature of the complaint, the date action was taken and the nature of the action taken. THCH Director of Housing and its Service Delivery Committee regularly review complaints received and consider appropriate action to tackle problems that are persistently raised, reporting their findings to the Board. Complaints Policy THCH is committed to providing a high quality efficient and effective service to all its residents and applicants for housing but recognises that sometimes people may be dissatisfied with its services or mistakes might be made in service delivery. THCH is keen to obtain feedback from service users to inform reviews of the services it provides and the way in which it provides them. THCH operates clear and well-publicised procedures for receiving and dealing with complaints which will be dealt with within stated timescales. THCH ensures that all staff likely to be involved in handling complaints have had relevant training and are familiar with the complaints procedure to ensure that all complaints are dealt with promptly, courteously, consistently and fairly with due regard to confidentiality. No entriesNothing found in the guestbook.
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