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Assured tenancy agreement

The new agreement that tenants would get as tenants of THCH

Assured tenant

A new tenancy agreement with THCH you would make you an “assured tenant” as opposed to a “secure tenant” with the Council

Contractual Rights

Legal Rights given to tenants by the Tenancy Agreement

Cost Floor

The lowest price at which THCH could sell a property under preserved right to buy

Decent Homes

This is the new government standard for the quality of the country’s affordable housing. All homes must meet this standard by 2010, being wind and weather tight. The standard covers external items like roofs and internal items like kitchens and bathrooms

Electoral Reform Ballot Services

Independent highly experienced organisation that organises elections & ballots

Estate (The)

Mansford Estate


The Independent Advisor for Mansford Estate (see ITA)

Ground 11

Where a Court may grant an RSL landlord possession if a tenant persistently pays rent late, even if none is currently owned

Ground 8

Where a Court may grant an RSL landlord possession if tenant is at least 8 weeks in arrears

Housing Choice

Process whereby LBTH Estates may be transferred to a Registered Social Landlord, following a ballot of residents

Housing Corporation

Body which registers and supervises Registered Social Landlords

Housing Corporation

Government appointed body with responsibility for funding and regulating registered social landlords

Housing Management Services

The range of services from your landlord which includes grounds maintenance, repairs, rent collecting, etc

Independent Housing Ombudsman

An independent organisation that examines any complaints about your landlord. All internal complaints mechanisms have to be exhausted first

Independent Tenants (Residents’) Advisor (ITA)

In order that tenants are fully engaged in the consideration of options and if a council decides to pursue Stock Transfer it is recommended that residents should have access to an Independent Tenant Advisor (ITA) both before and after the ballot.


The Retail Price Index (RPI) which is a figure issued by the government. Used by landlords in determining rent increases

Introductory Tenant

A tenant subject to an Assured Shorthold Tenancy agreement with reduced security of tenure and subject to 12 month review


London Borogh of Tower Hamlets

Modern Homes

Bringing homes up to and above the Decent Homes Standard

New Tenants

Tenants who were not Council tenants resident in the area when the stock was transferred

Not for Profit Organisation

Usually a Charity or housing association with charitable status (e.g. THCH). While operating in a commercial environment, any surplus money is invested in providing more of its services.


Office of the Deputy Prime Minister. The Government Minister who is required to give his consent to a proposed transfer. Previously the Department of the Environment.

Offer Document

A legal and binding document issued by the Council to its tenants outlining its proposals for Mansford Estate

Preserved Right to Buy

If Mansford Estate transfers to an RSL, existing secure council tenants who have the Right to Buy would have this right preserved after transfer

Registered Social Landlord


Rent to Mortgage

A bit like the right to buy, it offers council tenants the right to buy their home

Right to Acquire

Legal right given to RSL tenants to buy their own home

Right to Buy

The Government scheme that allows secure council tenants to buy their homes at a discount price. Various rules apply and the current discount available in London is £16,000

Right to Manage

All council tenants have the right to claim this. It is a government scheme that allows tenants to take control of the day to day management of their homes


A not for profit organisation (e.g. Housing Association) that offers homes at affordable rents to people with housing need


Registered Social Landord - generally, a Housing Association

Secretary of State

In our context, the Deputy Prime Minister

Secure by Design

Name given to the approval that is given by the police to estates designed (or re-designed) in a way that makes them more safe and more secure

Secure tenant

A tenant who has signed an agreement with their local authority landlord (e.g. Tower Hamlets) saying that their tenancy is permanent

Stage 1 consultation

The legal name given to the period of formal consultation when the Council asks tenants what they think of the proposals for the transfer of the (Mansford) Estate

Stage 2 consultation

The legal name given to the period where the council considers your views on its offer adds any amendments to it and then writes you a letter if there are any changes. By law there must be 28 days between you receiving that letter and the offer going to ballot. During this period you can make objections about the proposed transfer to the Secretary of State

Statutory Rights

Legal rights given to tenants by Act of Parliament


The right to pass on your home to someone else in your family/household who is living there, when you die


Tower Hamlets Community Housing

Tower Hamlets Community Housing

The proposed new landlord for Mansford Estate


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