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Fourth Draft

7.8 Would I still be able to transfer or exchange?

Yes. THCH aims to make the best use of its housing stock by helping with transfers and exchanges both within its stock and with other landlords. You would retain your right to exchange your home with another tenant and your right to pass on your tenancy in your life time to a potential successor. Full details are set out in the proposed assured tenancy agreement at the back of this booklet.

THCH would participate in HOMES (the Housing Organisations Mobility and Exchange Scheme) and the HOMESWAP Scheme which helps people to move to Council or RSL homes in other areas.

First Draft

7.8 Would i Still be able to transfer or exchange?

Yes. THCH aims to make the best use of its housing stock by helping with transfers and exchanges both within its stock and with other landlords. You would retain your right to exchange your home with another tenant and your right to pass on your tenancy in your life time to a potential successor. Full details are set out in the proposed assured tenancy agreement at the back of this booklet.

THCH would participate in HOMES (the Housing Organisations Mobility and Exchange Scheme) and the HOMESWAP Scheme which helps people to move to Council or RSL homes in other areas.

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