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How much money is needed to repair and improving council housing?

The Council surveryed all its properties in 2001, and arrived at figures for expenditure over the next 30 years.

These are detailed on each of the block pages.

The list below is taken from the 2002/3 Housing Business Plan. It shows the resources that will be available to the council in the next five years for major repairs and improvements to council homes.

It also shows the total investment required, including the backlog of repairs outstanding caused by a persistent shortage of resources. The bottom line shows the constant shortfall in resources, which means that the council will be able to bring homes up to a decent standard.

(We believe these figures to be in thousands of pounds sterling)


Total resources 32,672

Total investment required 364,545

Surplus/(shortfall) in year (331,873)

Unmet need from previous year

Total surplus/(shortfall) (331,873)


Total resources 33,968

Total investment required 11,314

Surplus/(shortfall) in year 22,654

Unmet need from previous year (331,873)

Total surplus/(shortfall) (309,219)


Total resources 33,425

Total investment required 22,079

Surplus/(shortfall) in year 11,346

Unmet need from previous year (309,219)

Total surplus/(shortfall) (297,873)


Total resources 33,343

Total investment required 78,847

Surplus/(shortfall) in year (41,504)

Unmet need from previous year (297,873)

Total surplus/(shortfall) (339,377)


Total resources 34,876

Total investment required 45,351

Surplus/(shortfall) in year (10,475)

Unmet need from previous year (339,377)

Total surplus/(shortfall) (349,852)

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