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Mansford Estate Forums
Email Address: becky@firefish.ltd.uk

Forum Information
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Uee these forums to make public your concerns, comments, and contributions on any of the issues surrounding Housing Choice, and to comment on the contributions of others. Please be aware that your contributions will be visible to anyone who visits the website.

Before you can post your own contributions, you need to have registered with the site, and then log on.

Use of the forums is subject to terms of use - basically, you are welcome to make relevant contributions, but you should not make osbcene, defamatory, or otherwise objectionable comments. If you do, we may withdraw your membership, and we will certainly delete your postings.

We reserve the right to remove any posting for any reason, though we will not in practice do so unless they contravene the principles above.

Be aware also that we cannot check all entries immediately. If you have any objection to any posting, contact us, and we will take appropriate action. 

Edit your profile if you wish to be emailed automatically whenever anyone posts to one or more groups.

If you wish to contact a member privately, you can do so either through the members list, or here.


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